luahan hati: katak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

assalamualaikum wbt.

yay, akhirnya another update utk blog tercinta aku ni.. ak, kali ni untuk sesi luahan hati yang tak terluah.. haha.. ok, today is actually a bad day for me.. hehe.. tell you what, we have laboratory session in the afternoon and we have to operate frog. what? FROG??? yes frog aka katak.. the size of the katak was noooo joke.. if you compare it with your anak ayam or arnab, maybe the size was bigger.. i'm not making up the story.. i can't even look at the frog.. it gave me goosebumps with just thinking about it..

kebetulan, hari keadaan aku x berapa mengizinkan.. batuk yang melarat daripada demam dua tiga hari yang lepas.. so, aku hampir2 muntah dalam lab tadi.. hahaha, kalo korang yang tak takut katak, mesti orang akan cakap aku gedik gler.. well, lantak la orang nak kata ape.. aku memang allergy ngan katak.. ak x leh nak tengok pun kat menda alah tu.. ok, it's not that katak punya fault kan, tapi aku memang xleh.. don't ever force me.. aku rela buat report berjela-jela daripada aku kena pegang menda tu n operate them. kalo ada orang terasa, sorry la, aku bukan sengaja.. menda ni bukan aku bleh elak.. kalau aku bleh elak, i won't react like that.. sebab aku jugak yang rugi kan.. kalau korang bleh takut kat kucing, lipas, cicak n sbgnya, aku pn ada jugak kelemahan. huhuhu..

yang paling ngeri, before we start the 'surgery' which is incision, ktorg kena lumpuhkan dia punya CNS aka central nervous system.. well, this experiment is actually all about the nervous system.. how your muscle, reflex and etc react when you're not in conscious condition.. when there's drug presence in your body, how your nervous system react to it.. so, we have to do all of these thing to those katak.. so, the first step is, make the loss their conscious.. so, kena amek katak tu and pukul sampai dia pengsan.. can you imagine that.. to look at it pun make me nauseous, ni nak pegang n pukul kepala dia kat meja.. tunggu 10 tahun lagi pun belum tentu aku bleh buat..

kawan aku sampai nangis2 sebab kesian kat katak tu.. imagine if you're in that katak punya shoes.. can you imagine the pain that he has to bare.. ya ALLAH, please bless those katak.. huhu.. ok, i don't want to take about it any longer.. the imagination of mine keep replaying the images of them, and the most sadis thing is, i can't eat sebab asyik ternampak2.. tadi pun, paksa jugak makan sebab i have no choice of avoiding my meals.. huhu..

so, until then, ja ne~ haha.. assalamulaikum wbt n sayonara..




it's for me to merepek panjang2.. bila xder mood nk tulis, berbulan2 blog ni bersawang.. bila da ada mood, panjang berjela la merepek meraban kat cni.. huhu.. don't blame urself eh.. ok, put aside dulu notes microb tu.. focus on your writing <------ sapo aja neh?? 1) ak addicted ngan mengedit gmbar skang ni.. well, i'm amateur of course.. just sket2 je la.. ak bukan pndai guna photoshop pun.. nk belajar leceh.. well editting thingy memang leceh.. sebab tu la smpai skang ak baru tahu basic stuff in editting.. well, at least i made some efforts kan.. hehe.. ada la sket2 yang ak edit.. bukan hebat sangat pun.. semua orang bleh buat.. ak edit guna picnik.. very easy n convenient.. sesuai utk orang yang malas cam aku ni.. hehe.. so, this is the outcome.. biasa je kan.. hahah..

so, how is it?? hahaha.. i don't expect too much, but i love it.. ngeee~

eh, tadi kater nk merepek panjang.. hmm... xjadi la.. hehehe.. ok, ni ada vid terbaru snsd.. ^o^ the boys~ till then, assalamualaikum~